i love going to people's houses for newborn sessions. i never know what to expect and it's fun for me to just walk around and get ideas for fun shots. well...this family's house was pretty amazing and i loved every minute i was there(or maybe i should say every hour!). thankfully, mom and dad were very patient and let me do whatever i wanted...even taking this little one outside for a quick shot on a pretty chilly morning! this sweet baby boy was just 7 days new and i love that i got to be there to grab these shots.
the colors are out and what better way to capture them than with a gorgeous family spending time together playing outside. this family drove all the way from coeburn, va to have me take their pictures and i'm so glad they came. this little guy is so freakin' cute, i can't stand it! from the moment he got out of the car with his daddy in his cutie little sweater vest and his big smile, i knew it was going to be awesome. he was in such a good mood and i loved watching him practice his first steps and just explore all his surroundings. thanks again for making the trip here, and i can't wait for you to see the rest of your images.
this session was so fun for me. i really, really loved the location(if anyone wants a session here, let me know!)and this family was super cute and just go with the flow. we really just wandered around and played. i was also thoroughly entertained with this sweet, little talker. i couldn't get over how well she spoke at 21 months and how much she had to say. the best part of it all was at the end when she said to me, "thank you for taking my picture, miss beth!" it melted my heart!
i love this age!! it really is a lot of fun to shoot 1 year olds. they aren't always quite walking but still have that streak of independence to take off on their own and know where they want to go. i can just tell that this one is going to be hard to catch before long! i also really love the fact that this little guy's mom and dad are old friends of mine. it means so much to me to be able to see my friends having kids and i feel so lucky to be there to watch them grow!