after a crazy, busy christmas season and a wonderful break for the holidays, i'm super excited for 2010! but, before moving ahead, i really want to thank each and every one of you for an amazing 2009. i honestly had no idea what to expect for my first full calendar year of business, and i couldn't be happier with how it all played out. i got to meet so many wonderful families and people, and i feel truly privileged for the opportunity to share in a part of your lives. thank you for making last year a year to remember. here's just a taste of the last 12 months.

now....hello 2010!! i've got so many new and exciting things planned for this year. the biggest change this year will be the addition of my viewing/ordering room. this has been in the works for awhile and will probably not be ready until the summer, but i'm super excited to start having you all over to my house to view your images and place orders. i'm still in the process of picking out all the furniture and planning the collages for my walls, but hopefully i will get it just the way i imagine it in my head. i also hope to be able to help you make the hard decisions of which prints to choose and show you different size options, products, and collage ideas. i will keep you posted on the progress, but until then, ordering will remain online.
i'm also excited to now start offering fine art books! i'm hoping this will help solve the problem of having to pick certain images and leave others behind by allowing you to be able to have them all in one place for everyone to look at. i've got a few of them in the works and will post example pics for you to see soon. they are amazing and i can't wait to put them together for you!
the last thing that i'm excited to announce is my new rewards program. i am so thankful to each and every one of you that has passed my name on, and now i want to start giving back to you. starting today, if you pass my name on to 1 new client that books a session with me, you will receive a $20 credit. this can be applied to print orders or session fees. this is also the more people you send, the more you save!!
lastly, i do have a few changes to my pricing, so be sure to check out the 'pricing' section on my website. for those of you still waiting for your galleries for 2009 sessions or for those who have already scheduled in 2010, the previous pricing will still apply to you.
i will be busy working on the last of my 2009 sessions that were taken after the crazy, mad christmas rush, so keep an eye out on my blog. i will be posting some sneak peeks soon.
i am SO looking forward to this here's to 2010!!