when i first took this family's pictures, they were a family of three. but they had a secret....this little guy was growing in his mama's belly! so i was super excited when they called me to take some newborn pictures of their new baby boy. we tried to beat the rain and sneak this session in when he was just 5 days old, but unfortunately it clouded up and the rain came. i was headed to the beach the next day, so as soon as i got back, we finished up this 2 part session. luckily we had a gorgeous day, and it was so fun seeing the change in him. they grow so quickly!!
i'm totally attached to this little guy. this was our third time getting together, this time for his 6 month...well, more like 7 month photo session. he's growing up so quickly and i just love seeing how much he's changing. he's sitting up, although a bit wobbly, but still has some of the best expressions! i still love seeing how much his parents love on him and how proud they are of each and every thing he does. it's so sweet and completely inspiring!
i've been looking forward to blogging about this session since i took these! after a rain out on the first attempt, i met up with this family another day for 'take 2' and it couldn't have been a more gorgeous evening. not only was the weather perfect, but what a fun location. this mama scoped out the site while on her run, and the owners were nice enough to let us use it. i'm so glad they did! this family was super sweet and what cute kiddos. this 4 year old little man was full of energy. i definitely got in a little workout after chasing him around, and by the end i made a new friend. his little sis...well just look at her! she was so full of smiles and funny faces...what a sweetie!
one of the peacocks on the farm....i thought it was pretty cool!