this was such a fun session for me. it just doesn't get much better than an absolutely gorgeous girl who was also as sweet as can be, fun clothes with lots of options to choose from, and a beautiful day with lots of sunshine. it was destined to be great. i just loved, loved, loved working with this senior. the fact that she was simply breathtaking and comfortable in front of the camera made my job easy. i also got to meet her boyfriend and the rest of her family and they were a total blast...full of laughs and love for each other!
the first time i photographed this family, they were a family of three. then i got to take some newborn photos when they welcomed their second baby boy. so i was really excited to get them all together for another family session. both these boys celebrated a birthday this month, and it's hard to believe they are now 3 and 1. i also have become friends with this family since we first met, and whenever we get together, i feel like they are the most fun, laid back parents who really enjoy their boys. i think this really comes across in these images and i can't wait for you to see them all!
i had to dig through some serious files to find this before picture...not really, but this picture was from one of my very first sessions when this amazing journey i'm on first began. at the time this little girl was 7 months (i think!) and look at her now....all grown up! she is such a beauty with the sweetest, angelic face and lots of spunk! we spent our time together walking the streets of downtown, and i really, really loved catching a glimpse of her personality now that she's walking, talking, and doing all the things any two year old little girl does. oh how time flies!
you may recognize this little cutie from my blog, but this is his first post as a two year old! i met this family, who happen to be great friends of ours, at their beautiful new house where everyone seemed to be settling in quite well. every time i see their son, i'm blown away by his blond hair and gorgeous blue eyes. he's just so handsome! just like any typical two year old, he was ready to play. i loved watching him get out all his toys and just have some fun. due to some bad weather on our first meeting, we split the session into two parts and spent the majority of the second meeting at a nearby park and playground. what a treat to watch him play on the playground...and a great way to get some smiles!! :)
so this session is something a little different than my typical 'running around chasing kiddos' kind of session, but i will say it was equally as entertaining! one of these couples is my husband's aunt and uncle, and his aunt has been following my blog from pretty early on. when she asked me if i would be up for shooting some 'old' people, i said i would love too. so we made a little trip out of it and met over in banner elk, north carolina on their daughters' beautiful property which was full of the most gorgeous wildflowers. they brought their friends who they have known for years and years, and both of these couple have been married for over 50 years...WOW! they had no problem keeping each other laughing and it truly was a blast being around them.