this is my brother and his family. they were with us on vacation in florida as well, and so it was the perfect time for some family photos. this was the first time i had taken pictures of my newest niece, and she is quite the cutie. her big brother has grown up so much since his last photos, and i was glad to be able to do some updated photos with all four of them together. they are also in the process of moving from florida to nashville, so we are all excited to have them a bit closer.
it's almost a bit hard for me to go through these images because it is amazing to me how much my niece has grown up. she's no longer a little girl and i think she is absolutely beautiful. we took these back at the beginning of the summer when we were in florida on vacation. we scoped out a park that was down the road from where we were, and it was fun to shoot in a different spot. she worked the camera like a pro and i love what we got!