

i feel like it's been so long since i have posted! the craziness of the season has calmed down, and now i can get back to some sneak peeks!

the sunshine in these pictures makes me feel warm on such a cold winter day, but looks can be deceiving because it was actually quite chilly out. luckily this family was up hanging out in the cold for a bit, and i'm so glad they were. this mama had told me early on that they had never really had 'these kind' of family pictures made before. i would have never guessed that because there were pure naturals in front of the camera...seeming so at ease just being together. they were full of laughs and just really good at being a family. here's just a few!


one year already

so this post is a bit emotional for me. i've been taking this little man's photos ever since he was a newborn, and this is his one year session. one year already, i can't believe it!! time has flown by so quickly and i truly feel lucky that i have gotten to see this sweet boy over his first year of life. now he's walking, starting to say some words, and just cute as ever. i've also loved seeing the way his parents love him...really, really sweet!


cute as a button

the last time i saw this little girl she was a newborn. now 15 months old, i can't believe how grown up she is. when we first started, she was a bit shy and was pretty tough to crack. but as the session went on and with the help of mom and dad, she opened up, started running around, and had the sweetest smile! she was cute as a button in her little santa outfit and i really enjoyed seeing this family again.


2 under 2

this family is no stranger to my blog, but this if the first appearance of their new little miss!! we originally were going to do some newborn shots of her when she was born, but after a stay in the hospital we decided to postpone until things calmed down a bit. not sure how calm things are in the household with 2 under 2 (13 or so months apart!!!), but it was definitely time for some shots of the sweet little girl. she was cute as can be and full of so many expressions, and i can't get over how much both of these kiddos look like their mama! big brother has grown up so much in the last 6 months and he was full of energy and running around like a pro. i can't imagine how crazy life must feel for these parents, but they sure are doing a great job and couldn't be any sweeter!



this mama contacted me wanting some pictures of her family taken in the fall. luckily, it was early enough in the year that we put her family down for one of the prime weeks for fall color. i love meeting new families and for some reason it's especially exciting when they've been on my schedule for awhile. so when we finally met, it couldn't have been a more gorgeous afternoon, the color was out in full force, and this family was super sweet and really easy to be around. all in all, it couldn't have been much better!